About Me

My photo
Vancouver, Washington, United States
Married for 19 years (and still madly in love) 2 kids. For excerpts from The Civil War Brides Series, or the Cauld Ane Series, visit: www.traceyjanejackson.com

Friday, January 28, 2011

Fresh Fiction

Fresh Fiction will be featuring me in their February newsletter, so if you'd like to sign up, then click here.

Fresh Fiction is running a contest through the month of February to win a copy of the first three books in The Civil War Brides Series. Sign up at Fresh Fiction today!

Good luck everyone.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Editor, Schmeditor? I think not!

So, I've been doing this writing thing for a little while now. About two years...and just when I think I've given my editor something she isn't really going to need to edit, BAM, she edits the crap out of it.

So, a little back-story. In June 2008, I thought I'd write a little story. Six novels poured out of me in eight-months (some of you have heard this story, so I won't spell out the nitty-gritty).

My amazing, wonderful, couldn't-be-any-more-brutally-honest, editor has Book #4, The Bride Ransom in her hands, and I'm thinking, it's book #4, I'm on a roll, and she and I are sympatico...it's great.


Book #4 was one of the first books I ever wrote, and since then I've learned a lot! So, when I went back to edit it toward the end of last year, I thought, ew, this is really rough...delete...delete...delete.

I ended up deleting 11,000 words from that ms...my editor asked for a phone call. Uh-oh, what did I do wrong? Principal's office.

She said, "There's too much here to type, so I thought I'd just tell you my thoughts."

ROTFLMAO! Well, not really, but it was minorly hysterical laughter.

I'd deleted so much in an effort to tighten the story and writing, that there were parts that I'd left in that now no longer make sense.

Good catch, editor-lady!

So, these are the moments when I am reminded that although I might be prolific, I most-definitely type faster than I think, and it takes a strong lady who can pull my scattered thoughts together and help me finalize a GREAT story!

If you have an editor - hug them today. 'Cause we'd be lost without them!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

AND THE WINNER IS...(drum roll here)

Ann Hillson! Congratulations, Ann, you've won a signed book of your choice from the Civil War Brides series. Thanks to everyone who entered.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I'm guest blogging today...

So, head on over to my friend, Rachel Lynne's blog and say hi. If you like contemporary romance, you'll love her book, Ring of Lies.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fresh Fiction

If you haven't been to Fresh Fiction, it's a great site filled with contests and author/book info you won't want to miss.

check out my author page and check back in February 1st for a very special contest that will be running for the entire month of February.

You can leave a comment for one of my books, or find an author you might not have heard of.

Happy reading!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Bride Found is TOP PICK!

"Tracey Jane Jackson has definitely done a lot of research to give us the readers an accurate account of the Civil War and life in 1863. With Mrs. Jackson's descriptions of the places, people, and fashions of 1863 you will feel as though you are right there with Emma as she experiences it all for the first time!"

Check out the review at Night Owl Reviews!

Monday, January 10, 2011


Authonomy is a brand new writing community site for writers, readers and publishers, conceived and developed by book editors at HarperCollins. We want to flush out the brightest, freshest new literature around.

I have the first five chapters of The Bride Price up for reading on Authonomy. If you have a chance, swing by the site and check it out. If you want to rate my books, I'd appreciate that as well. You'll find the first three books available to read (first three chapters of The Bride Found and The Bride Spy).

Come check me out...read others books...and find some new authors! :)


Thursday, January 6, 2011


Come to my website (www.traceyjanejackson.com) and sign up on the guestbook to be entered to win!

Everyone who signs up between now and January 31st will have the chance to win a signed copy of a book of their choice, including Book #4 in the series, The Bride Ransom!

Be sure to leave your email address, and good luck!


(Open to US residents only)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

I see a lot of posts, blogs and tweets about New Year's resolutions going on. I'm personally useless at following through on resolutions, so I typically refrain from making them, but this year I have resolved to release at least two novels...and write another two. I'm already biting my fingernails. :)

Have any of you made any? If so, what are they?