About Me

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Vancouver, Washington, United States
Married for 19 years (and still madly in love) 2 kids. For excerpts from The Civil War Brides Series, or the Cauld Ane Series, visit: www.traceyjanejackson.com

Friday, November 30, 2012

Contest - ONE DAY ONLY!

Hi Everyone:

Head on over to The Romance Reviews tomorrow (December 1) for a chance to win a free download of Bound By Blood!

It's their fun Year End Splash party and it's a great chance to play games and discover more authors as well.

Be sure to register for a chance to participate in all their events.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


The Civil War Brides are 50% off now through Friday at All Romance!

Head on over anytime to save.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Monday, November 5, 2012


Bound by Blood, Book #1 in the Cauld Ane Series, is now available everywhere for download! You can read the first chapter at my website.

In the process of releasing Bound by Blood, the printer made an error in the paperback copies, which means I have a few "freebies" to give away with a slightly "pinker" cover! If you are a U.S. resident and you'd like a chance to win a signed copy, leave a review (good or bad) of any of my books (at Amazon, B&N, Goodreads, etc.) and email me to let me know where you left the review! Three (3) people will have a chance to win.

If you've already left a review somewhere in 2012, let me know where and when, and I'll enter you (reviews left between Jan. 1 and now).

If you are not a U.S. resident, I am offering up three (3) free downloads of any of my books to those of you who leave a review. Just let me know where and I'll enter you.

Contest ends November 10th, 11:59PM (PST)

Thanks for reading and good luck!

Be sure to follow me on Facebook for special offers!